Thursday, September 04, 2008

Column for Sept. 4, 2008

Last week's column evoked some interesting feedback from readers

It would seem that my column last week struck a chord or assent or dissent with some people. I have received some interesting feedback from readers this week. As much as I would love to comment on the Republican's error of making their convention short because of an impending hurricane or the brilliant selection of a gun toting beauty queen as a vice presidential running mate for John McCain, I will stick with the current train of thought.

I wrote last week about the possibility of Selma becoming like a third world nation if we do not take the reins of our own town and protect our American culture and town from degradation. Selma is just a microcosm of the rest of the nation. Apparently, that idea has really registered with some folks. Therefore I asked permission to share some commentary from readers. I believe strongly in using spell check functions in my email and word processor. However, I am preserving the format of the messages as they were delivered on purpose.

The first commentary I received was from someone who only identified him or herself as "royalblkrose".

"This issue is not new or news to Selma, Berkeley, Jacksonville. Take your pick of cities and it's the same issues. Immigrants, looking for a better life bring with them the only life they know.. the one they left, with all of its' oddities. Cities, states and the country are in an ethical fix where these new aliens are concerned. On the one hand, there' cheap labor. Cheap labor is good for employers but bad for employees, Because another component of cheap labor is IGNORANT labor. Most immigrants are not aware of their rights in the workplace, and because they are illegals, they will work under any and all condtions in fear of losing what little they do have.On the other hand, once they do know their rights, it then becomes harder for these immigrants to keep their jobs because they know their rights and it is therefore more expensive to have these individuals on the payroll! Don't believe me? Ask any Union rep what happens when an employee speaks up when something's out of whack!One of the worst things that happend in this country was when air traffic controllers union was busted and NAFTA was signed, giving large manufacturers a legal reason not to invest in keeping skilled people in the states working.just a couple of thoughts...."

My response to "royalblkrose" was the following:

"One of the major issues, as I have written, is the losing of the American culture. I absolutely agree that this is not new to my town. Keep in mind that the article was specifically written as a newspaper column for the local newspaper, so I have a local centric perspective in my writing. This is, however, as you pointed out, just a microcosm of the rest of the nation. The issue is lack of assimilation. I grew up in a French family. Though there was still a Quebecois mindset and French was spoken in the grandparent's home, they assimilated into the culture. It is the absolute accommodation and coddling of immigrants to woo a potential voting block or to succumb to political correctness that is killing this nation and will put us in a position of weakness, lack of unity, and a perpetually schismatic means of living."

Someone who called himself "ColdWarBaby" had this to say:

"The assimilation of immigrants also means being prepared to pay them at least minimum wage and perhaps even provide minimal benefits and marginally safe working conditions. This would not be good for the “economy” as it’s defined by fascist capitalism. Once u.s. workers have been reduced to accepting the same working conditions as those in china, mexico or vietnam, the “illegal aliens” will be gone.If the ruling class has its way, property values will be of little concern. Only they will be allowed to own real property. The only way a laborer will be allowed access to private property will be as a menial, a slave. Workers will be confined to labor camps or factory barracks, out of sight, out of mind.This is the Utopia of fascist corporatism, a world of masters and slaves."

I found the commentary by ColdWarBaby interesting. I replied to him or her this way.

"No, the assimilation of immigrants does not mean paying them minimum wage. They are here ILLEGALLY to begin with. They are not entitled to the same protections under the law, nor the benefit of citizens or even migrant laborers here legally. Period. Once we enforce our existing laws, protect our borders, value our culture, and stop committing national suicide, the illegal immigrants will stop coming. It is ridiculous to think that our standard of living would have to lower to their level in order to keep them from showing up. Your assumption that a ruling class believes that property values are of little concern is fallacious for several reasons. First, the revenue that the ruling class obtains is through valuation of property and taxation thereupon. Furthermore, their property would be subject to the same eventual fate of others, whether it is lower taxation value, lower retail value and profit margin, lower rental rates, lower dividends on investments, or even eminent domain. Fascist corporatism? Whatever."

I got one last commentary from someone who asked not to be identified, so I am editing out any information that would reveal clues as to the writer's identity.

"I look forward to reading your weekly commentaries in the selma news. I pass thru selma daily and sometimes stop at a couple stores on my way home, honestly i am looking over my shoulder the whole time i'm there…i cannot believe all the crime that goes on around selma,it is unreal. The infrastructure of most of the town reminds me of something i seen on a ghetto movie,it really needs a makeover. I know the people that have been here all their lives hate to see all the crime that goes on ,and to me it seems like an attraction for all the mexicans as you wrote about this week. I'm not saying all the drugs come from mexicans but a large part of them do,then that gets on the streets and leads to more crimes such as robberies etc. i believe to get the town back as it was before all the drug and criminal activity, it starts with town officials taking and showing action instead of just talking about it. I realize it is not just selma it is everywhere,but since i moved here and started reading your articles it has opened my eyes. well i've been on my soap box long enough now. I look forward to reading your future articles."

As you can tell, not everyone who reads my columns necessarily agrees with me. I enjoy reading from people on both sides of an issue, generally. Many people are interested in civil discourse. Others are merely interested in bashing. Fortunately, this week's feedback has been from those who chose to be civil but wanted to express themselves in response to my ramblings. I have gotten a lot of hate mail, as well as fan mail over the past two years. Some of the hate mail has been full of anger. With some people, I have been able to engage in meaningful dialogue. Some have simply been spiteful; others had their say and I never heard from them again, even after answering their emails. Rest assured that if your email hits my inbox, I am willing to respond.

What are your views? Do you have opinions about my column, about a news story, or about how things are in your community? If so, I encourage you to write. Even better, I encourage you to write your opinion as a letter to the editor of this very newspaper. I don't always like being the sometimes the only opinion on the editorial page, even if I am always correct in what I have to say.

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