Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Stephen LaRoque

Just for the public record, prior to writing my column, I wrote Stephen LaRoque to thank him for his stance.

On 5/27/2011 4:30 PM, Troy LaPlante wrote:
Thank you for showing enough courage to stand up against William Barber and the NAACP. Racism is wrong, regardless of from whom it comes. Barber is a race pimp who constantly incites racist views in order to keep his job. Nothing will satisfy him on any topic as long as he can find a way to come up with an angle that enables him to stir up racism.

I am not from your district (I am from Johnston County), but I am proud of you for having the spine to take a stand. I wish that there were more like you in the NC Legislature. is the story I read about you and I have shared it all over my web presence.

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