Thursday, May 24, 2007

Column for May 24, 2007

Are people waking up to reality?

I have watched two Presidential debates in the past couple of weeks. I personally pay no attention to the Democrat debate(s) since I pretty much already know what to expect. I have little or no interest in socialists and only wish to see their defeat. Unfortunately, there may not be that much of an alternative.

For starters, I will state that I am not a registered Republican. As it has been said so adequately by others, I did not leave the Republican Party; the Republican Party left me. They also left millions of others for the sake of power and political expediency. From what I can tell, the Democrat Party has slid left to be completely socialist and the Republican Party has slid left to fill the vacuum. At one time, I thought that the GOP was where the Democrats were in the 1960's. Now, I believe that they are where the Democrats were in the 1970s, which is even worse.

As a columnist, blogger, someone active in the community, and talk show host, I get to talk to people who are authors, politicians, theologians, and just plain citizens with an opinion. What I am finding is that those who are liberal (don't confuse liberal with someone who supports liberty) are increasingly for socialism and those who are so called conservative are becoming increasingly hard core right wing. I am finding people of increasing numbers who are outside the mainstream two party political system. Many of those who have a Christian world view find themselves at odds with the party who courts their favor then goes on to do as they see fit. This cycle repeats itself every four years.

The people I have been reading behind and conversing with, to a person, have absolutely had enough of politics as usual. The polls taken after the last two GOP debates have shown strong support for the one real "black sheep" of the party, Ron Paul. Ron Paul, a Representative from Texas, is without a doubt, the most conservative man running for President. He also seems to be drawing the most controversy. His campaign exemplifies the term "grass roots". Unlike the so called major candidates, he has relatively little money and broad support. Most of his support is found on the internet. His campaign is on the net unlike any other campaign I have ever seen previously.

Though I personally am a supporter of Ron Paul, I am not going to be a "Paul Pimp" in this column today. My point is that conservatives that I have been speaking with have really been taking a hard line stance in their positions and choices about for whom to vote. They have also been extremely active in showing their support. I don't know if it is the exposure to some alternative media sources, the fact that they are watching their civil liberties and money taken from them regularly, or just being tired of the liberal onslaught day in and day out that has been the catalyst. The liberal media that I continuously run across is certainly more rabid in their approach than I have ever seen, and is much more blatant about their socialist policies. The nation has incrementally slid towards Gomorrah over the years and some seem to believe that the country is ripe for plucking from its roots.

With that liberal onslaught, many conservatives have risen up in the public square and from obscurity. People who were previously unknown have been making ripples on the pond surface. The backlash against the socialist policies of the left is growing larger and larger. The leftist media outlets are losing market share like never before. Left wing web sites have been increasingly bitter, vile, and crude.

Political pundits and conservative talk radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh are saying that there is an 80% chance that Hillary Clinton will be elected to the Presidency. Is this the reason for liberty loving Americans actually having spine enough to act like Americans? I certainly think the threat posed by socialists in this nation is giving a wake up call to many to at least stand erect and work to hold off the total collapse of America as we know it. Then again, the America we know is certainly not the America envisioned by those who founded her. I just hope that the lucidity is not too little, too late.

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