Thursday, May 03, 2007

Column for May 3, 2007

The world has gone totally insane

Maybe it is just a sign of the times. Then again, many of these things have gone on for centuries. It still looks like our world has gone mad. I wonder, however, if anyone truly cares. The responses to travesties or tragedies show the madness of our world.

We have a woman running for President whose only claim to fame is that she was married to a morally corrupt President. We have a man running for President whose middle name is Hussein. We have an ambulance chasing lawyer from North Carolina running a second time for President. He was a Senator for less than one term before running the first time and had one of the worst attendance records in the Senate. The scary thing is that they are all Socialists and may actually win.

We have shooting rampages that are happening across our nation. Obviously, the one that got the most attention was the one in Blacksburg, Virginia. Just recently, there was one in Kansas City and earlier in the year, one in Utah. The reaction is understandably one of shock and outrage. The insane part is the cry for more gun control to "prevent" these issues from happening again. It was gun control that enabled these shootings and would not have prevented them. Just this week, teens in Onslow County stole an AR-15 rifle and brought it to school. By their very nature, criminals do not obey gun laws. Such laws only prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves and others. Gun control is the problem, not the cure. But let us not allow the facts to stand in the way of numerous bills being filed in Congress and the state legislature calling for more restrictions on firearms. What part of "shall not be infringed" do they not understand? One notorious gun control advocate in the U.S. House of Representatives does not even know what is in her own bill.

We have towns snatching up tracts of land, claiming them as part of their town for the sole purpose of revenue generation. Freedom and property rights don't apply, nor do laws appertaining to such acquisition, apparently. Selma and Smithfield both have been snatching up nearby properties into the incorporated city limits without necessarily paying heed to legal issues.

The American Civil Liberties Union has been attacking the civil liberties of thousands of citizens. They have been targeting the Carolinas in particular lately. Selma is feeling the bite right now. Prayer is being attacked while prayer is the very reason the ACLU even has the right to exist. Were it not for praying people, this nation would have gone the way of the dodo a long time ago. Yet, they feel that they are being American by attacking Americans. For some stupid reason, we are supposed to feel good about the majority being forced to bow down to the vast minority.

There are people picketing Aero Contractors at the Johnston County Airport. Allegedly, Aero Contractors is being used as a CIA air taxi to shuttle prisoners for torturing. At least that is the story by the protesters. Aero Contractors is a transportation service, nothing more. They are not the group allegedly torturing prisoners of war (yes, prisoners of war). To pick on that company is like picketing a local taxi cab company for providing a ride to a rapist or murderer. The prisoners being transported are people who were trying to kill American troops, were caught in battle, were never on American soil, and do not have the benefit of Constitutional protections as a result.

States like New Hampshire, formerly a beacon of conservative life in a liberal cesspool like New England, are passing "civil union" laws, basically allowing homosexual couples to have the same rights as married, heterosexual couples. Sin has become a civil right. Granting civil unions but not calling it marriage is like going to the supermarket and buying ketchup instead of catsup. It is the same thing, just by a different name.

Wow, I was just getting started and I am already out of space for this week's column. I am reminded of a movie title, "It's a MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD World" we live in.

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